Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Yea, That's My Face Cream Beside the Cheese and Deli Meat. So?

I keep my face cream and my eye cream in the refrigerator, and when I put it on I go to heaven for a minute or two and shake hands with St. Peter on a cloud.  Then, I come back.

There are a few benefits to keeping your face and eye cream in the refrigerator.  First, there's a cooling sensation, and that's the handshake with St. Peter on a cloud experience.  The second benefit is that you're likely to not over apply, because the refrigeration firms and thickens the creams.  Since the creams are firm and thick, you feel like you don't need as much.  It's probably a brain trick, but it works.  My creams have lasted longer since going in the fridge.  I do know that much, and I think it's because of that little brain trick.  The cold application of the cream can help to tighten pores, which is another added bonus.  Beyond that, I don't know if there are any additional benefits, but it does make for a nice experience, and it does make a cream last longer, which is important to a lot of us during this time of economic woe.

I don't know if creams can have temperature shock when they are moved from cold to hot.  It's not funny, because your cream really can get shocked.  How would you like that to happen to you?  I always leave mine in the fridge, and don't move them.  That might be something for you to consider.  Moving from temperature to temperature could compromise the integrity of the cream as in that cream might go whoring it up.  No, silly.  Compromise the integrity as in it might weaken the ingredients of the cream.

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