There was the time I bought Heinz ketchup. The Heinz ketchup had "Gone Dipping with Gorton's Fish Sticks" (see image below), and I was the sucker dipping those fish sticks in the kethcup. It was almost subliminal with me. I know, I know there's a giant fish stick sticker on the label, smarty pants, but I swear it was subliminal or whatever you want to call it. After buying the ketchup, I was at the grocery on a regular trip, and I was thinking I have a craving, a gross one, for some fish sticks. Bought, ate 'em, grossed myself out. Then, my boyfriend asked if I bought those Gorton's Fish Sticks, because of the ketchup. I didn't know what he was talking about until he pointed out the bottle. Sucker!
As for ZzzQuil, I love this product. The commercial did it to me. There is the cutest girl with fair skin and dark, bird's nest hair knotted all over. She has her hand scrunching her face and she is out. The kind of out where you drool. The voice over explains ZzzQuil is a nighttime sleep aid without the cough medicine ingredients. I saw the commercial maybe two times, and I went to CVS. The woman checking me out said that about three people had come in before me and bought ZzzQuil. She asked if it worked, and I told her I didn't know, but I did know the advertising worked. Guess I wasn't the only sucker. What I can tell you is that I don't regret buying ZzzQuil like I do the Gorton's Fish Sticks. ZzzQuil is effective, and I'm not groggy when I wake up. I give it five stars.
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