Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Chair of Eew, Ick and Who put that There

This La-Z Boy chair has been around my parents' house since time immemorial.  It was the first La-Z Boy out of a long string of La-Z Boy chairs in my parents' house.  While the others got donated, this one has stuck around like a bad cold sore.  Its been retired to the apartment above the garage since it became a tattered embarassment that my mom didn't even want the UPS man to see.  Despite my dad's protests to keep the chair in the house, my mom won, and it got retired. 

I think the chair was bought around 1987.  It was originally a dark brown and didn't have the slouch it has now or strings hanging off it.  Just think, this chair is 25 years old.  That's an accumulation of 25 years worth of crap, grit, sticky, junk, stains, and cigar and cigarette burns.

A few months ago, Brad lost his iPod into the dark depths of this chair, and he couldn't find it by reaching his hand in the many crevices and holes.  I warned him if he continued reaching in there he might need a tetanus shot.  He eventually had to flip the chair over to find the iPod.  What he found during his search was an Airhead candy wrapper, little Nerd candy pieces, a set of keys with a flip flop keychain, pens, sticky fabric, a dead moth, Kool-Aid stains, an Andy Capp hot fry, and other unmentionable offensive objects.  In a sick way, it was kind of fun to find all that grossness. 

For the record, my mom is a clean freak like Monica on Friends, and the contents of the chair are no reflection on her cleaning.  The contents are a reflection of a well-loved, sat upon chair that survived two kids, a former cigar and cigarette smoker, pets, and being moved from hither and yonder.  I love this eyesore of a chair (stains, sticky, and all).

If you're wondering, Brad did find his iPod.


  1. Andy Capp hot fry, airhead, nerds, kool aid stain, key chain, and stickys are attributable to me. I don't know anything about that moth, I swear.

  2. I don't believe you. You've always been a force of nature.
