Thursday, August 23, 2012

QVC: Don't Turn the Channel Lisa Robertson Is Hocking! or Yes, It's the Quacker Factory!

When I can't sleep at night, which is too often these days, but not quite as often as it used to be thanks to ZzzQuil, I'll watch QVC.  QVC, for some reason or other, lulls me into that space between real time and sleep time.  I just drift, but, if I'm really in to  what QVC is selling or who is selling it, I'll fight the sleep.  When Lisa Robertson is selling something, I get mesmerized.  She loves herself, is in love with herself, makes love to herself.  And I love it most when she is selling clothes or make-up and skincare items.  She always make a point to wear the clothes that she's trying to help the designers or companies sell.  She twist her hips, angles her shoulders, sucks in her cheeks to make more defined cheekbones, and hoists those eyebrows.  Girl got bitchface.  She has to tamp that down though sometimes to reach out to people without ideal figures, so she'll say things like, "For those of us with problem areas in our hips and tummy like me, this bias cut, lycra top is perfect.  It hides all those flaws.  Oh, and you get all these beautiful jewel tones that go great with any hair color or skin color."  Here's a video of Lisa loving herself.

Then, there's The Quaker Factory.  If you don't know about the Quaker Factory, you need to know. Jeanne Bice, the founder and creator of The Quaker Factory, turned herself (well, now it'd be her estate) into a billionaire selling her clothing line on QVC.  The Quaker Factory clothing line is a lot of watermelon cotton tee shirts with black sequins standing in as seeds, chunky knit Christmas sweaters wth fuzzy kittens stitched on, you get the idea or the vision or whatever. The woman, God rest her soul (she passed away a couple of years ago), was the best thing ever on QVC. I'd get my bag of Cheesy Poofs and soda and snuggle in for some fun.  She had (probably still has) a cult following, and when callers were taken live on the air it was like the second coming of The Beatles.  They'd call in go, "Quack, Quack," and Jeanne would quack, quack back.  She was well-loved and her clothes always sold out.

So Jeanne Bice passed away, as I mentioned, and QVC put together this tribute.  I loved Jeanne, and I miss the Christmas specials at her house in Florida.  Of course, I want you to watch all of these videos, but, if you don't, you are missing out.  The last video posted has really naught, dirty, bathroom graffiti words in it.  At the very least, watch it.

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